Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Song List for Thurs. May 31

Jesus Paid It All - Kristian Stanfill

Nothing But The Blood - Hymn

You Are My King (Amazing Love) - Chris Tomin

O Praise Him (All This For Our King) - David Crowder* Band

Playlist for Spotify Users:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


(I wrote this in my journal a few weeks ago, so sorry in the delay of posting it online.)
 In response to Anna's question at Youth Group, "Can't faith and knowledge (or science) coincide?" and after reading C.S. Lewis' Transposition.  

Faith and scientific knowledge (and proof) certainly stand together. We act on our faith in facts we understand--such as gravity. But when studying theology or attempting to understand the metaphysical, there comes a point where the knowledge of clearly seen facts cannot carry us. We could choose, based on facts we see, to believe (for example) that mankind descended from a common non-human descendent. Science might seem to back us up. But when we consider something less understandable--spirit, emotions, soul--it seems like a silly idea, because these things belong to humans, not to animals, and couldn't be "developed" according to our science. You and I accept this, and believe instead in a Creator--not because we saw Him speak this universe into existence, but because it is our conviction. We can't trust the theory that mankind is descended from a common non-human ancestor.

Also, as Christians we must walk in faith for much less discovered subjects (like eternity) that man's mind simply cannot comprehend. Because we live on earth, a realm Lewis would describe as "the lower medium", we can't fully realize matters of "the higher medium". We can see hints of it--speaking in tongues, for example, Lewis considers to be a transposition of truth from the higher medium to the lower medium (or something). So when we, stuck in the lower medium, must rely on God (in the higher medium) and search for understanding, we step out in faith. Our knowledge and discernment may guide us there, but we cannot always expect physical, undeniable proof (in the scientific sense).

(David, our Youth Group leader, didn't really talk on this at all. He was just trying to say we must trust God's promise.)

(Also, correct me if I'm totally wrong, or wrote something unclearly, or if you just want a theological debate. :)

P.S. I think it's funny that this discussion of faith came up at Youth Group just as we began to learn about evolution, creationism, and interpreting the Bible in science class....

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Song List for Thursday May 24, 2012

Here are the songs we may sing on Thursday. I don't plan to print out lyrics this week so if you want to listen to the songs and make me not the only one singing Thursday that would be awesome! Thanks, ya'll are an amazing group, and I can't wait for what God is going to do at the Rendezvous! 

Here's are the songs, chances are that this list will be added to.

Like A Lion by David Crowder* Band

Forever Reign - Kristian Stanfill

Hosanna - Hillsong United

Grace Flows Down - Christy Nockels

Nothing But The Blood - Matt Redman

Always Forever - Phil Wickham

King of Glory - Chris Tomlin

No Sweeter Name - Kari Jobe

I Am Free - Vertical Worship

All The Poor and Powerless - All Sons and Daughters


Revelation Song - Kari Jobe

Amazing Love (You Are My King) - Newsboys

Here Is Our King - David Crowder* Band

It Is Well with My Soul - Hymn

Our God - Chris Tomlin

O Praise Him - David Crowder* Band

Beautiful Things - Gungor

How He Loves - David Crowder* Band

You Never Let Go - Matt Redman

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

For those of you who have Spotify here is the Link to the playlist:

P.S. I plan to do this every week from now on.

P.P.S. We may not play all of these, but these are the main ones we will be pulling from for further weeks. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

During the mediocre...

Life can be hard. Life can be blessed. And life can be normal. I've heard it said that its easy to trust God during "good times", as well as through the trials, when God calls you closer to Him. But it is so hard to rely on God and follow the Holy Spirit when life is mediocre, or going reasonably okay. We begin to think we don't need God, or He isn't there--we just kind of forget Him, or box Him into our "devotional time". I was talking with a friend about Christianity. She was explaining how we often live day by day, or month by month, always onto the next goal--but as Christians we should instead live moment by moment, guided by the Spirit. And its true! Only the Spirit can keep us from wandering off the narrow path! But when life gets busy with other stuff and the spiritual and emotional parts slow down, we lose sight of the Spirit. And we lose sight of God. Maybe we catch a glimpse of Him--but so often He seems to vanish. Once our spiritual high fades... life just returns to normal. It's boring. We sin, and its hard to see. But like we learned in history class, sometimes our "walk with God" is like a labyrinth... There is one path to the center, and at times we feel close. Then, just a moment later, we are far from the center. Yet we have to keep walking to reach our goal, trusting that the path will lead us there. That might just sound like mumbo-jumbo to you, but its true, sometimes we just need to trust that God is still there. Not blindly, but through a continued persistence and an active search for Him. (Meaning, go read your Bible and study it in prayer.) This is a huge reminder to myself, but I know it applies not only to my life, but to others as well. Continue onwards! Strive for perfection! Pick yourself up and rise again, as Tyrone would say. Don't lose faith in God's presence, and don't quench the Holy Fire! Hold onto good and reject evil! (Since you become what you behold... ;) 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil. 23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 And: Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Few Things

As you all know, we have resumed doing worship on Thursdays. This is something we love to do, and am glad to have the chance. However, we want to ask you a few things. Since this is a different environment then church there are a few things that come with that. First of all we don't have a projector with lyrics, or people who all know the same songs.

So what we're getting at is this: Anna and I would love to have you guys post song requests on the blog.
Anything that you like, we just want to get input for what to play.

Oh, and lastly: Please don't let this blog fall into disrepair. Prayer requests, what God is doing in your life, an exhortation, just anything you want to post please do.

- Jesse & Anna