Thursday, March 22, 2012

For the Glory of God

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

This verse is basically telling us that everything we do should be done for Gods glory, because as Jadon said earlier we were created to worship God, in the big and important thins, but also in the small seemingly insignificant things. I would like to focus right now on the small things.

All of us have chores around the house, and so often we do them because we are forced to, with an attitude that does not glorify God. It is often really hard to do little things for God because no one notices, or we feel that we could be doing more important things with our time. We read about missionaries who followed God with everything they had. To us their lives and all the things they do for God are exciting and inspiring. We find ourselves wishing that God would use us right now in a world changing way, and maybe some day He will, but as for right now you are part of your family ministry that is equipping you and helping you develop a servant’s heart. Whether you are in the ministry of dinner dished or serving your dog its breakfast, God sees it. No matter how insignificant the job may feel, God is glorified when we do it for Him.

In the beginning of Matthew 6 we are warned not to do things for people so that they can admire and look up to us, but in secret when only God knows about it. It is difficult to be cheerful when we are doing tedious chores, but when we do it to praise God we are showing that we truly have faith in him.

James 2:17

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is dead.

I am expecting that this is all review, but I just want to encourage you do all things, great and small, to God to give Him glory. The next time you are doing small things around the house, ask yourself what your motivation is.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Made to Worship (WNP)

We were made to praise God.
We are made to worship God with everything in us.
Worship is in itself not a thing that you only do on Sundays at church.

Worship is a lifestyle and a action that you make every day.
As Christian and we are called to live a life of worship.
That means that everything we do should be unto the glory of God.

Lifting up your hands and singing is what most of us think of as worship.
But really that not even the half f it.
We express worship through our actions.
That means living righteous lives.

Which means that if your not living a righteous life than how can you really worship God in full.
When we worship, we present our praise to God, so if your giving God a "present," don't you want it to be a good and clean one instead of a dirty and bad present.
When I worship and when I live, I want to give God my best and my first.

So that means that we will be known by our works. If we do not live righteous lives than how can we be seen as people of God? And how can we worship God if we do not obey Him?

1 John 3:10
By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother.

So by the actions of people we can know if they are children of God and if they are actually worshiping God.

John 14:15
"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."

We can't bring to God false praise. If we say that we love God and yet our actions prove otherwise than would you say that we love God or not?
Actions do speak louder than words. And the action can either prove or disprove the words.

So bringing this all back to the original point.
We were made to worship.
We can't bring God false praise.
And we have to live a life of worship. Worshiping God through everything that we do.

Its time to worship God in full.
Its time to praise Him with our lives and choices.
Its time to bring honor to the name of Jesus Christ.
~Jadon Singer Lasley*

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Beautiful Verse and Prayer

2 Corinthians 7:1 "Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jacob's Condition

For those interested in the ever evolving medical state of Jacob Martin, here is his Caring Bride site:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Expectations (Walking the Narrow Path)

This link goes to a post off my blog.
It's about expectations.
I hope you enjoy reading it.

You Reap What You Sow

(Response of Brina's earlier post)

1 Corinthians 11:27-29
Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. 28 But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly.

It says in this verse that if you have not already been forgiven of your sins when you take communion, you will then be drinking damnation on yourself. All the sins that you have committed that haven't been made right by God, will be judged.
God is a just Judge. If you sin he will judge you of it.

Galatians 6:7
7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

This may scare you. And for some it should. But I want to stress two points about this:
1. God can wipe your slate clean of all the sins you have committed. One way to put it is that God can buy the crop. God's own Son went to the cross so that you don't have to reap the evil you've sown.
2. On the flip-side, you can reap the good you've sown. For many people, when someone says,
"You reap what you sow," they get scared. But for some people who have been washed clean and are living righteously, it's a good thing. They get to reap the good they've sown.

So all this said to get back to the point.
If we are not clean through the cross and we are judged by the Judge, fault will be found.
Don't take communion if you aren't in right relationship with God.
And even if it has nothing to do with communion, get right with God!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Thoughts on Communion - Brina

If you actually plan on reading all this, please do so with an open mind. These are just my thoughts in general, regarding communion, so they may not make complete sense to you. So I'm relying on the Holy Spirit to work through me despite my confusing words :) I really encourage you to spend time thinking about communion for yourself, and how communion relates to you... maybe share those thoughts as a separate post, or in the comments. Love you all, and here we go ;)

1 Corinthians 11:23-2623 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

Taking communion; we do it in remembrance of Jesus and to "proclaim the LORD's death until he comes". There is so much symbolism in communion; taking his blood and body "gives us new life". It stands for his death, his suffering, and his forgiveness. When we take it, you could say it signifies our acceptance. We accept the fact that we killed Jesus, with our sin, and we accept the forgiveness he gave. It is our time to remember all this.

But oftentimes his body, his blood, are consumed to flippantly. Its something we've all done a million times--thus it can easily lose feeling. Do you realize that when that happens, when you take communion without truly considering it, you are forgetting what Jesus did? His noble death and precious life deserve more than that. And if you don't examine yourself beforehand, as well as recognize the body of the LORD--that's a sin. That's scorning all that communion stands for. (See 1 Corinthians 11:27-29)

For me, communion is a time of confession and gratitude. And the words "body" and "blood" mean much, much more to me now than they did a year ago.

The way I see it, the body is his teachings. When I eat a cracker at church, I remember how Jesus traveled endlessly to carry his teaching to ALL that would listen. his body his his hardship. Think of how many steps each foot took, how calloused, blistered, and dirty they would be. Imagine his rough hands, scarred from his years as a carpenter. Picture his excited, enlightened, animated face, as he explained God's love and rejoiced with the helpless. This is his body--this is what he did in his life for all of us!

And his blood. This is his suffering, his pain. Mocked--scorned by those he loved, and ignored. The Son of God does not deserve to be ignored. He was beaten--countless times. Nails driven through his skin--do you imagine this when you drink your grape juice or your wine? Can you hear his screams of agony, or see the blood pouring from him? That juice may taste sweet... but his agony was not. Don't you see? This was all for YOU--dirty, rotten, you. But you know what? Jesus really loves you. So much that he'd experience THAT, because he wants to spend eternity with you.

Communion. Its a serious thing. It is you remembering what he did, and accepting his forgiveness. Don't let his death go in vain, accept his forgiveness!

I've described the turmoil in Jesus' life. The beatings his body took. So understand now that I don't believe you're only accepting forgiveness. You're accepting Jesus himself. Serious communion, to me, is asking Christ to enter into myself. It is proclaiming that you want to be just like Jesus.

And Jesus didn't have it easy. Remember his suffering?

All real Christians want to be like Christ. That's why we're called Christians. And when you get scared of that commitment--of that suffering--remember that Jesus... Jesus had God.

Here it is: his body came to serve, and his body gave us life. Through his teachings, Jesus rejuvenated the hearts of those who accepted. But that wasn't it--he died. His sufferings, his blood, gave us a way to survive. His body gave us a new heart; his blood gave us the capability to sustain it. As we are, a Holy heart would whither immediately. But with his blood... my heart will never stop beating.

Communion: the dictionary calls it "a Christian sacrament in which bread and wine are consumed as the substance or symbols of the death of Christ." I call it the full remembrance of Christ's life and death, and the acceptance of his forgiveness and Holy Spirit.

To accept the Holy Spirit, you need to lean on the LORD's understanding. To give him your full faith and trust. It may seem hard, but if you let yourself fall in love with him.... He will become your shield. Your foundation. Your refuge.

Jesus died horribly. We are called to follow his example and live fully for God--even if that means being mocked, scorned, ignored, beaten. But after his death, Jesus got God.

With God for eternity.

Doesn't that sound beautiful?

Communion. Beautiful, but incomprehensible.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wake Up!

Rejoice all you who are poor
The kingdom is yours
The kingdom is yours
Rejoice you jaded and torn
Both sinner and saint
The kingdom is yours

woe to you religious teachers
Rich and worshiping your book
woe to you who use His name to justify the souls you took

Wake up, wake up
Oh sleeper from the dead
Wake up

Rejoice you lonely and lost
You sick and despised
All will be made right
Rejoice you cynics and freaks
Those searching for peace
All will be made right

Even you religious teachers
Separating us from them
Heaven’s found inside us all
So turn and come alive again
~Wake up Sleeper, Gungor

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Foreverandever Etc.

I'm finding everything I'll ever need
By giving up gaining everything
Falling for You for eternity
Right here at Your feet
Where I wanna be
I am Yours
~Foreverandever Etc, DC*B