We were made to praise God.
We are made to worship God with everything in us.
Worship is in itself not a thing that you only do on Sundays at church.
Worship is a lifestyle and a action that you make every day.
As Christian and we are called to live a life of worship.
That means that everything we do should be unto the glory of God.
Lifting up your hands and singing is what most of us think of as worship.
But really that not even the half f it.
We express worship through our actions.
That means living righteous lives.
Which means that if your not living a righteous life than how can you really worship God in full.
When we worship, we present our praise to God, so if your giving God a "present," don't you want it to be a good and clean one instead of a dirty and bad present.
When I worship and when I live, I want to give God my best and my first.
So that means that we will be known by our works. If we do not live righteous lives than how can we be seen as people of God? And how can we worship God if we do not obey Him?
1 John 3:10
By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother.
So by the actions of people we can know if they are children of God and if they are actually worshiping God.
John 14:15
"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
We can't bring to God false praise. If we say that we love God and yet our actions prove otherwise than would you say that we love God or not?
Actions do speak louder than words. And the action can either prove or disprove the words.
So bringing this all back to the original point.
We were made to worship.
We can't bring God false praise.
And we have to live a life of worship. Worshiping God through everything that we do.
Its time to worship God in full.
Its time to praise Him with our lives and choices.
Its time to bring honor to the name of Jesus Christ.
~Jadon Singer Lasley*
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