Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Few Things

As you all know, we have resumed doing worship on Thursdays. This is something we love to do, and am glad to have the chance. However, we want to ask you a few things. Since this is a different environment then church there are a few things that come with that. First of all we don't have a projector with lyrics, or people who all know the same songs.

So what we're getting at is this: Anna and I would love to have you guys post song requests on the blog.
Anything that you like, we just want to get input for what to play.

Oh, and lastly: Please don't let this blog fall into disrepair. Prayer requests, what God is doing in your life, an exhortation, just anything you want to post please do.

- Jesse & Anna

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Thanks! I cant wait for people to start using this blog more often!
