Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Changes in the Bible Study

Hello all,
[The post (as said in title) is sort of a discussion about the Bible Study and where it's going and where we would like it to go. Plus this is about what to change and what to keep. PLEASE COMMENT.]
Okay, so we've been doing the Bible study for 1/2 - 3/4 of a year now and we've talked about lots of stuff and lots of things have happened through it. But has it really effected our lives to the status that we first hoped for? Has it met the quota that was set before us. Even though we're young doesn't mean that it's okay to have a crummy Bible Study (I'm not calling our Bible Study crummy). I want our Bible Study to truly effect us in ways that change even our inner being. I want us to come into this as one thing and come out of it as something else. I want it to rock house!
And personally I don't feel like it is meeting those standards as of now.
Also it seems that the it is often less of a Bible Study and more of a time of teaching.
And maybe that's what God wants us to do. But I want to be sure.
So really I want you all to be praying about what this time that we spend together at lunch is all about. What we should be doing, what we should be learning, and what we should be changing.
Along with all this I want to call all of you out in a sense by saying that from what I have seen in all of you so far has amazed me. Now I'm not saying this to make you think of your self highly (all glory to God for all good things in our lives) but to tell you that you are capable of great things through Christ who strengthens you. And if you let God use you, you will change the world. So don't fall to the standards of this world but rise up and fulfill the call that God has for you in Christ Jesus. Rise to the standards that god has for you and become lights in the darkness of this world.
By God's gracious love,

1 comment:

  1. In what way do you want to change it? Do you want it to be more of a discussion?

    Mostly, for me, the topics aren't nearly as helpful as the people involved. So bible study is really encouraging, but it doesn't solve big questions or anything. Not to say that's a bad thing. I really appreciate our bible study but I agree with you. We can always improve through God and with His strength.
