At about 3:00-4:30(6:00 for some) at the Ent's End of the year party some of us decided to have a bible study because we felt lead to. I was the one to hog the talking because I had asked Jadon to and I presented the book of James 1. Brina asked me to post my notes on the blog. But to be honest, I didn't have many notes. Rather I was lead by the spirit to speak. So although I did have a structured thing planned when I went into the Bible Study, I didn't use it. Like Jadon and David both said to me I had to let go. Let go of what I thought was the ideal Bible Study and way to present it and let God do his work. Because sometimes you just need to shut up. Maybe not physically, maybe just shut up your own words and speak God's. So I had to embrace that (Sorry: Preaching Tangent).
Now you're most likely expecting me to tell you what I spoke at the Bible study even though it wasn't from my notes(somewhat confusing). Well, I can't. Speaking from the Spirit means the words were God's and weren't for you but rather for the person you are speaking to. I can retain everything anybody else spoke. But as for anything I spoke (or God spoke through me), I remember nothing. So you'll have to ask someone else who was there, because I got nothing. But nonetheless, Happy New Year and God Bless You!
you talked about fasting and why we do it. It basically a sacrifice to God.